This t-shirt was made under bad omens.
Something happened that has never happened before when fixing the color to the fabric. As I painted the front and back side I placed the shirt in a rather adventurous way in my oven and I think I decided to use the wrong heating style.
Well, I burned it.
It had a brown scar on the backside and when I tried to rub it off I suddenly had a hole in the fabric!

Ok, two possibilities: paint it new or recycle.
I chose to recycle it. To get more traveller style. I cut out the painted fabric parts that luckily were unscared. Then I glued it onto a new shirt to keep it in place while sewing it on.
Some days later I noticed that on the front there were glue spots visible!

Ok, I thought about it and searched for some iron patches to hide the spots.
Iron ready, patches placed. A cloth over the first patch, ironing for 3-4 minutes. Turned it over!

I ironed the patch onto the cloth!
Now I got really mad!

I teared a hole into the cloth with trying to get the butterfly off again. Then I glued the first butterfly and the second was perfectly ironed.
Thanks for reading. The story behind the t-shirt is self-explaining. In English it means: "And I'm gone then..."


I just hope my adventure is not such a failure as this shirt!