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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Michiko's new home

It took a long time until this new cage got ready. But not because it's a lot of work it was rather the lack of time. I started building it in August and then two weeks nothing happened and so on...
But I think the result is worth showing!
Here the right side with her house (she doesn't use it much) and the closed door to the outside.

The left side with her wheel in the "deep side"... And her sand bath on top of the platform.

More pens!

It is a lot of fun if you can just be busy for yourself and the product is something nice to look at. As here as I was working away the polymer clay canes I had been storing for some better days. All in all came out 13 pens and a lot of beads.

As I worked a lot with translucent clay there is a big difference between before and after the baking.

And here are the beads. Those kiwi beads are the rest of my kiwi cane. Maybe one day I'll make a new one. I really like it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ich und Ich

Letztens beim Autofahren wurde im Radio ein Song gespielt, von dem ich dachte, er wäre genau für mich geschrieben. Es kommt nicht oft vor, dass ich mich so in Musik versinken kann...

Der Song heißt "So soll es bleiben" von der Band Ich und Ich:


Wenn es da ist werd ich feiern.
Ich weiß da ist noch mehr.
Es liegt noch soviel vor mir.
Ich lauf noch hinterher.
Bis jetzt fühl ich nur die Hälfte,
von allem was geht.
Ich muss noch weitersuchen,
weil immernoch was fehlt.

Ich will sagen:

So soll es sein,
so kann es bleiben.
So hab' ich es mir gewünscht.
Alles passt perfekt zusammen,
weil endlich alles stimmt
und mein Herz Gefangen nimmt.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to the Pearl!

After some time of storing my Fimo-canes in the fridge I finally found it the time to take them out again and make something nice.

Here are the results: Kiwi-cane in pearls and cubes.

And mixing my Monarch-, Blue rose- and Red rose-cane I got some interesting results. I made a pen, 4 double-sided rectangles and some one-sided pendants. The rest was made into some pearls.
Hope you like them!