It is an original southern German dish with its origin in Palatinate. It can be either served sweet with vanilla sauce or hearty with potatoe soup. I love the hearty version! My mum always managed to make a nice crispy salt bottom.
One day I was eager to make them on my own as I don't always have my mum at hand. But she helped me with the recipe.
You need:
500g Mehl/flour
1/2 Würfel Hefe oder 1 Packung Trockenhefe / 1/2 fresh yeast or 1 package of dry yeast
1/4 l Milch/milk
bisschen Zucker für die Hefe/a little bit sugar for the yeast
1 Ei/egg
50g Butter/butter
Damit eine Hefeteig ansetzen. Make a yeast dough with this.
Den Teig in kleine Kugeln formen, wieder gehen lassen.
Form the dough in small balls, let them rest again.
Öl in Pfanne erhitzen/Heat oil in a pan.
Boden mit Salz bedecken/Cover the bottom with salt.
Kugeln darauf setzen/Put the balls onto this.
3/16 l Wasser/water
Dann Deckel drauf und zulassen!/Then cover the pan and leave it shut!
Jetzt kommt der komplizierte Teil. Du musst den Moment abpassen, wann das Wasser verdampft ist. Sonst werden sie unten schwarz. Als Richtwert braucht es 15-20 Minuten.
This is the tricky part. You must listen closly and catch the point, when the water is gone. Otherwise they turn black on the bottom. It needs about 15-20 minutes.
The bad thing is, I never managed to make smaller amounts. So I always get 8 Dampfnudels. :D But thats not bad, they are really yummy. I even eat them without anything else at all. And even cold on the next day they are good. Next time I will try to fry the left-overs in a pan, my mum said that is yummy too.
1 comment:
Warum hab ich jetzt Lust auf Dampfnudeln?! *tststs*
Schauen echt lecker aus... *g*
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