The starter deck comes in blue including the first booster which is yellow. Goal of the game: get the winning Magic Carrot! Unfortunatly you can only win if you have a bunny alive. So actually the game is about getting carrots and killing your opponents (or sometimes your own) bunnies!
There are a lot of ways how to kill bunnies. You can starve them, attack them with a Kitchen Whisk, Crow Bars, Quite Irascible Diffractable Cheese Balls, Boomerangs, Chocolate Covered Anti-Matter Raisins, Cyber Bunny and so on...
To protect your bunnies you may use Lucky Clover, Heavenly Halo, The Magic Spatula or similar good cards.
You always (!) have 5 cards on your hands and two cards down. Playing requires thinking ahead. Normal run cards have to go through the bottom run and top run card position until you can play it. Then there are special cards, very special cards, money and play immidietly cards (where you normally have to kill your own bunny).
The dice are for use when you get attacked or you want to gamble or get something nice out of supply cards.
All in all, it looks complicated, but it is not. You slowly get towards more complicated game play but you learn along.
As still not even close to getting the highest stack of game cards (there are still the green, twilight white, stainless steel, perfectly pink, wacky khaki and ominous onyx boosters to go!) so far it already takes us about 2 hours to go through a game of three people! But it is fun in every minute!
Thats why I give it 10 out of 10 points!
Check it out: KillerBunnies
mmmh - looks complicated, indeed.
Dir ist schon klar, dass du das nochmal ganz von vorne mit mir anfangen musst, wenn ich endlich in Melbourne bin, ne? :)
Ich rechne doch ganz fest damit! *g*
Mit jedem Booster kommen 55 neue Karten hinzu, hast du ne Ahnung, wie gross der Stapel am Ende ist? *umkipp*
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